Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

442 - Degree in Odontology

29305 - Psychology and communication skills

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
29305 - Psychology and communication skills
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
First semester
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

Learning proccess has been designed for this mater based on the following aspects:

The matter has been designed for students to reach and to know the management of psychopathology in dentistry clinical practice, as well as to adquire basic communication abilities for their professional work.

Lessons have been designed begining with a theoretical presentation which introduce the conceptual bases for the following applicative session. All proposed exercises will crystallize on useful tools designed by the students for their professional work.

Both adquired knowledge and active participation of the students will be evaluated, in order to facilitate a sequential acquisition of proposed competences for the matter.

5.2. Learning tasks

The proposed program to achieve planned results include the following activities:

Learning activities

ECTS credits (hours)

Teaching-Learning Methodology

Competences to be adquired

Expositive, explanation and/or demonstrative sessions for contents using blackboard and/or audiovisual material with informatic support.


1,6 ECTS

(40 h)

Theoretical, classroom lessons


CE. MII.1.; CE.MII.7.; CE.MII.8.; CE.MII.15.;  CE.MII.23.; CE.MII.25.

CG.3; CG.4; CG.5; CG.10.; CG.19; CG.30; CG.31

Role-playing clinical interview and management of problem solving.

Motivational role-playing interview.

Role-playing sessions to evaluate psychopathology.

Role playing sessions on management¡ and stress control.

0,5 ECTS

(12,5 h)

Seminars and supervised works.



CE. MII5 ; CE.MII.8; CE. MII.15 ; CE. MII.22 ; CE. MII.25 : CG.3; CG.4; CG.5; CG.10.; CG.19; CG.30; CG.31

Clinical cases discussions. Group seminars for problem solving and clinical cases.

Evaluation techniques for both social and psychological relevant aspects for patients' management and treatment.

Anxiety and stress control techniques.

0,5 ECTS

(12,5 h)

Clinical practices:

Practical sessions (relaxation techniques, systematic desensitization for dental phobia, techniques to evaluate psychopathology, clinical cases discussions, ...)

CE.MII.1; CE.MII5; CE.MII.7; CE.MII.8;  CE.MII.23; CE.MII.25. CG.4; CG.5.

Autonomous work/Personal studying (not face-to-face, including information search, work design, clinical cases or proposed exercises).



75 hr









TOTAL 150 h

(6 ECTS)



5.3. Syllabus

First part (Department of Medicine, Psychiatry and Dermatology):

Theoretical program:

Lesson 1. Psychology and Odontology. Concept and objectives. Methods. Relationships with other sciences.

Lesson 2. General structure of psyche. Temperament, character and personality. Personality disorders and their management in bucodental health.

Lesson 3. Sensitive perception, though and language. Psychopathology. Odontological management of psychotic patients.

Lesson 4. Memory and learning. Cognitive functions and development disorderso. Odontological management of dementia and disabled patients (mental retardation, Down's syndrome, child brain paralysis, autism,...).

Lesson 5. Emotions and psychopathology. Depresiion and bucodental health. Anxiety. Dental phobia. Panic attack in dentistry office.

Lesson 6. Instincts and psychopathology. Odontological management of patients with eating disorders.

Lesson 7. Consciousness, attention and sleep. Bruxism, parasomnias. Behaviour and disorders. Addictions and bucodental health. 

Lesson 8. Dental pain. Differential diagnosis for bucodental pain. Psychoactive drugs effects on bucodental health. Effects of toxics or legal substances (tobacco and alcohol) on bucodental health. Psychological effects of treatments. Placebo and nocebo effects. Iatrogenic factors.

Lesson 9. Developmental psychology: Childhood and adolescence. Budcodental health in the elderly.

Lesson 10. Social psychology. Profilaxis on Dentistry. Dismorphic disorders and Dentistry. Panthom limb. Whiteorexia. Psychological evaluation of patients with dental-facial deformities.

Lesson 11. Communication and dentistry-patient relationship. Clinical interview: general principles, exploratory part, informative part, negotiating aspects.

Lesson 12. Psychological reactions to illness. Defence mechanisms and coping styles. Relationships with Dentistry. Motivation and compliance to treatment.

Lesson 13. Stress and bucoental illness. Mental health fo dentistry team. Stress, burnout, mobbing.

Lesson 14. General psychological approach. Principles of psychotherapy. Psychoterapeutical techniques useful in Dentistry.

Practical program:

1. Research principles. Critical literature review.

2. Relaxation techniques and emotional self-control.

3. Basic instruments of cognitive screening and functional assessment instruments.

4. Basic anxiety and depression scales.

5. Basic instruments to evaluate personality and intelectual ability.

6. Evaluation of bucodental pain in adult, child and elderly patients. Protocol for psychological assessment of dental-facial deformities.

7. Systematic desensitization in dental phobia.

8. Behavioural program for the treatment of bruxism.

Detailed program, as well as deadlines for presentation of works will be available on ADD (Digital resources of the University of Zaragoza) at the begining of the term.

Second part (Department of Psychology and Sociology):

Theoretical lessons will alternate with practices and work presentation on different issues. Along the sessions, the following contents will be developed,  not only from a theoretical point of view, but also from a practical approach:

Lesson 1. Introduction to Psychology as a science.

Lesson 2. Emotional intelligence and self-management.

Lesson 3. Effective communication in dentistry office: with patients, partners and another professionals.

Lesson 4. Fears, phobias and anxiety in dentistry practice. Diagnosis and management.

Lesson 5. Learning as a key factor for learn fear. Prevention strategies.

Lesson 6. Attitudes building and relevance on prevention and bucodental assistance.

Lesson 7. Social identity, roles and schemes; relevance in clinical practice.

Lesson 8. Cognitive attributions and relationship with prevention and effciciency on treatments monitoring.

Lesson 9. Motivation theories applied to clinical practice.

Lesson 10. Personality theories; personality and influence on bucodental assistance.

Lesson 11. Developmental psychology: from childhood to senescence.

Lesson 12. Clinical interview; practical applications.

Lesson 13. Mistreatment diagnosis and intervention protocols.

Lesson 14. Socio-sanitary Assistence networks and relationship with another professionals.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Classroom lessons and works' presentations:


Final timetable for works delivery, as well as continuous evaluation proccess will be available at the beginign of the term. Official calendar is available on:

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

  • Mediavilla Ibáñez, Helga.. ¿Sabe comunicarse con su paciente?: Relación con el paciente en odontología. Madrid: Biblioteca Universitaria, 2002.
  • Manual del dolor : tratamiento cognitivo-conductual del dolor crónico / Coordinadores, Jenny Moix Queraltó, Francisco M. Kovacs. Barcelona [etc] : Paidós, D.L. 2009.
  • Peñaranda Hernández, Pablo Miguel. Los aportes de la psicología a la odontología :|una investigación sobre factores psicosociales en el dolor crónico bucofacial. Caracas : Universidad de Caracas, 2007.
  • Silvestre Donat, Francisco Javier. Odontología en pacientes especiales / Francisco Javier Silvestre Donat, Andrés Plaza Costa. Valencia ; Universidad de Valencia, 2007.
  • Boj JR, Font R. Control de la conducta en la consulta odontopediátrica. En Odontopediatría / Elena Barbería Leache... [et al.] . - 2a. ed., reimp. Barcelona [etc.] : Masson, 2002, p. 127-138.